The Ultimate Luxury Of Being Silent

People who live or work in very noisy places, who sleep listening to the noise or unstoppable bustle of the city, are more vulnerable to suffering certain health problems

Romina Aswani
Curated Newsletters


Image by Cleverpix from Pixabay

Problems with high stress, anxiety …after years and years living with a constant lack of peace and quiet, we keep jumping from one stimulus to another.

As Buddhism says:

“Noise and agitation take us away from ourselves”

Who actually makes time to get to know oneself? Do you give yourself a few minutes of meditation a day to calm the mind, relax and deal with the thoughts we try to ignore?. We constantly allow these harmful and insidious daily thoughts intrude in our mind causing discomfort.

Silent Statue
Silence. Source: Pixabay

Embrace And Enjoy The Awkward Silence

Let’s turn off the TV and open a book. Let’s exercise in a park without wearing headphones on our ears. In our daily life we are subjected to constant noise.



Romina Aswani
Curated Newsletters

Once you wake up and smell the coffee, it’s hard to go back to sleep