The US Capitol Hooligans Will Be Back

Rebecca Stevens
Curated Newsletters
4 min readJan 9, 2021


The cancer of white supremacy has spread in the US, but there might still be a way to save the country

I’ve got bad and good news folks, resignations in the Trump Administration, condemnation of Trump by fellow Republicans, and the deletion of Trump's social media accounts have all come too late, the white supremacists have already won, but America might still be able to save itself.

You see, America has been the most racist country in the world this whole time. They had become masters in hiding that abhorrent racism using their propaganda arm: Hollywood.

With Paramount, 20th Century Fox studios, and others, they created films that projected a largely false narrative about America. I grew up on that propaganda, I should know. Those movies showed a non-racist America, a progressive, diverse and multicultural nation with people of different ethnicities loving each other, making mixed-race babies together, working alongside each other, winning together. So prominent and repetitive was that narrative, that as a black woman growing up in Switzerland, my one and only dream was to move to the US.

From time to time, yes the thought-provoking Spike Lee movie led me to question that Hollywood narrative of America, but very quickly, another Hollywood blockbuster would erase that, and I would be making plans to…



Rebecca Stevens
Curated Newsletters

I write about racism, but there are so many other things I would like to write about instead. Help me dismantle racism so that I can get to that.