The Utah State Capitol Is A Great Place To Visit

You can learn a lot

Floyd Mori


(Image is author’s)

The dome of the Utah State Capitol

As a person drives around Salt Lake City, Utah, there are many areas where the dome of the Utah State Capitol can be seen. It is a magnificent building not unlike the Nation’s Capitol and many state houses throughput the United States.

At the top of State Street, the Capitol looms large. It is a popular place for local visitors as well as tourists.

The Utah Governor and many elected officials have offices there and do their important work for the people of Utah in that building and surrounding buildings. The state legislature deliberates there.

(Image is author’s)

The Capitol is an especially popular place to visit in the Spring when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Cherry trees were originally gifts from Japan. Now cherry trees surround the entire grounds of the Capitol. They are very beautiful usually in late March and early April (dependent on the weather).



Floyd Mori

Floyd Mori, born in Utah, is a former College Teacher, Mayor, CA State Assemblyman, Consultant, and CEO for Nonprofits.