These two skills will increase your chances of success

Ganiyu oshidipe
4 min readNov 4, 2022

All of us desire success and if you are reading this, I am sure you are serious about being successful.

Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

But most of us don’t know what skill to master to be truly successful.

We so much believe in hard skills. Jumping into a profession that is trending is very common among us today.

Many of us want to code because we heard that people doing this are today’s super wealthy.

But the problem is that these hard skills are not the most important for a super successful life.

We need to build our lives on fundamental principles that will allow us to stay on course and follow up to a reasonable end.

For instance, if you design your career path adequately and know where this is leading to, you will find it hard to dabble into another career because it is trending. It will be hard to fall for the shiny objects that scammers and marketers are peddling around.

This leads us to the first skill that every successful person has honed.

Ability to design a life management Strategy: This has been talked about for decades. Motivational speakers and life coaches have been talking about it, but I guess no one has used the term I use for it here. Also, no one would have explained it the way I will in this article.

Have you seen a successful business without a business plan? Maybe you have seen a few successful businesses without a business plan. But they would be as successful as the last time you saw them because anything can happen if they continue with that haphazard manner of operation.

As businesses employ business plans to guide their path, you need a strategic life management plan to guide your life. If you want to become a top 1% marketer, you don’t just wish that you become one. You need to know what product you want to market, how you want to market it, to whom you want to market, what you want to achieve through marketing, where you want to be after a certain period. These few questions you have proffered answers to will guide you toward your goal of becoming a top 1% marketer.

Beyond having a goal for your career, you have to have goals for other areas of your life like family relationships, spirituality, and health. Planning in all areas that are important to you is when you truly have a life management plan.

Write your strategic life management document and put it to use every day. Make sure you check this life management document as often as every day. It is fair to miss a day or two but remember to look at it as often as possible.

This is what Napoleon Hill called stating your definite aim in life, and this is a real simple system. I have stated earlier that once you do this, you will not be bothered by anything happening in the world that has nothing to do with your goals.

Helping people get what they want: Successful people know how to plan what other people want into what they want. Come to think of it, we are all in the business of making other people get what they want. As an employee, you are in the business of helping your boss get what he wants. As an entrepreneur, you are in the business of helping your customers get what they want.

Look at the top Tech companies, they are simply in the business of helping people get what they want. Facebook makes people get the feeling of connectedness to friends and family. Google helps people get the idea that they can know everything. Dangote, a billionaire in my country, helps people get cement for their housing projects, sugar to give taste to their food, and soon, fuel to power their engine and other businesses satisfying people’s needs.

If you know how to help people get what they want at scale you will have no problem achieving what you have set to achieve in life.

You need a document for this, the document can be likened to a business plan but is not a must to be a standard business plan. The document will help you clarify how you can help people get what they want.


Most of the stress we face in life as humans is because we don’t have an idea of what we want. We run after what is presented to us by society. If we can clarify that this is what we want and work from where we are to achieve what we want. Even if we don’t achieve what we desire, which is most unlikely, we will not go through the stress of jumping from one thing to another. A focused life is the best life.

I believe you have learned something from this article. You can follow me for more helpful articles.

