This Is Why They Didn’t Want Blacks to Vote

Vanessa Robinson
Curated Newsletters
7 min readNov 26, 2020


It might actually make a difference and then where would we be?

Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash

The states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia are hot spots right now. Well — perhaps not as much as it was since Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan have certified their electoral votes for President-elect Joe Biden as of today.

There were three other states in contention; Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico. (Nevada recently certified its electoral vote.) But the protests for President Trump in those states were muted; the fervor was not as strong. There are a few reasons for this. It’s not that these three states aren’t diverse, but they are less diverse, at least in regards to Black people. Arizona’s black population is 4%. Nevada? 8.6%. New Mexico is 2.6% black.

In 2016, Trump won Arizona. Hillary Clinton won Nevada and New Mexico. But the president thought he should have won all of them in 2020. There were legal challenges to all three, but they were all rejected by their state's high courts.

However, none of the major cities in those states (Albuquerque, Phoenix, and Las Vegas) fit the stereotype that President Trump and Rudy Giuliani wanted to emphasize…because they simply weren’t black enough.

The percentage of black people in the states of Wisconsin (6.1%), Michigan (14.1%)…



Vanessa Robinson
Curated Newsletters

Writer and Observer: Injustice, History, Family, Love, and Politics. Electrical Engineer. Completing First Historical Fiction Novel.