This Person Needs You The Most

Take good care

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Taking care of yourself is the greatest love you can show to others. Where love requires sacrifice and compromise of time, energy, and resources, it doesn’t require selflessness. Sacrificing self-care and joy should not be on the menu for love.

People often neglect their physical and mental needs to contribute to someone else’s quality of life. Many people make unhealthy sacrifices for their families, employers, or social groups in ways that leave them too depleted for self-care.

Every year people renew, then break, their promise to take better care of themselves. They wake up just early enough to focus on their family’s morning routine or get to work in time to impress their boss.

Entrepreneurs can be the worst culprits of selflessness. Some of the self-employed go years without clocking out. Every minute of life is part of their hustle.

Well-being Shouldn’t Make You Sick

How we think about well-being may be part of the problem. We have over-emphasized or misrepresented the value of relationships. Indeed, humans are social creatures, and survival depends on how we cultivate relationships. However, we are also spiritual beings, and wellness depends on the relationship we develop with ourselves.



Curated Newsletters

Empowerment Psychologist, writing to change the world one story at a time. Author/Poet/Public Speaker. Learn more at