Three Magical M’s: Meditation, Minimalism & Mindset

The best things in life are free

Upen Singh
Curated Newsletters
6 min readNov 25, 2020


Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Perhaps the most valuable wealth is what cannot be stolen. The more we give, the more we become.

Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. — Archimedes.

As I get older and wiser, I am more interested in discovering tools I already have and learn to expand their uses.

A lifestyle of working long and hard is not going to free me from the “womb-to-tomb” way of life.

There are innate potentials we are endowed with that are much more powerful than what meets the eye.

So what are these innate tools that are available to us at all times? And all we have to do is recognize them, believe in them, and practice.

As the saying goes: all the best things in life are free.

Meditation, Minimalism, and Mindset. These are the three tools always available to me in making me a better person and living a fulfilling life.

I like to call them the three magical M’s. I can practice them anytime, anywhere, and keeping getting better. The benefits are both instantaneous and long-term. That is why I deliberately practice them.



Upen Singh
Curated Newsletters

A Practical Visionary | Education Counselor | Builder | People & Progress | Traveler | Author | Nature & Animals