The Best Writing Advice is Inside Your Head

Look inward to find the sweet spot we need as writers

James Jordan
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

You may not be able to flip a switch from dark to light, but you can nudge the grey.

Words flow effortlessly from the mind to the keyboard. Typing is automatic and the writing is like magic. Words and ideas come so fast it’s hard to keep up. A sip of coffee is barely noticed as the next hundred words roll on to the page. The keyboard feels like a finely tuned piano and you are playing songs you don’t know.

That is how writing is supposed to be. It should be fun, exciting, filled with discovery. When it’s like that you love being a writer.

But we writers know that is a fleeting state. It comes on its own and can leave just as fast. Where it comes from or where it goes we can only guess.

On the other side — the other extreme, it’s like pulling your own teeth. Words won’t even come out. Maybe a trickle at best. It’s not your best stuff. You know this and that makes you even more tired. Frustration sets in. The piano is not in tune and you can’t remember the song anyway.

Usually, it is somewhere between those two extremes. The more days we can have on the positive side of the spectrum the more fun we will…



James Jordan
Curated Newsletters

Teller of tales, many of which are actually true. Award-winning journalist, and the William Allen White Award for reporting.