Time, Consciousness/Evolution [10]

Beyond Space-Time

A Fractal Image by Yukimi Yokoyama from Pixabay

Time and the Perception of Time

Humans perceive the passage of time as dependent on their state of consciousness.

A friend of mine made a remark about ascension and evolution. He said,

“I don’t see humanity having progressed towards any kind of ascension. In fact, we, as a species seem to be going backwards. Could you explain that to me? Humans don’t seem to be evolving. We’re going backwards.”

My reply:

“It depends on Soul Age, the amount of Being, and an expanded sense of presence. That’s only the beginning of what I could talk about on the evolution of consciousness. And I agree with you. Based on appearances it looks like the human consciousness is moving backward.”

As I tried to explain more he said his mind hurt from my talk. I stopped.

Every one of us lives within our own reality.

These realities are ego-based or realities in the 3rd dimension where time is an illusion. Some of us are born with extraordinary abilities intact. Others, through inner work, “ascend” into 4th and 5th-dimensional realities. [Ascension into Fifth-Dimensional reality is a process of…



Frank Ontario 🦋 balance 🕊️ peace 🍏 Earth Lover

Top Writer in Spiritual Energy. Messenger, an eclectic, empathetic, seeking oneness in all, & humor. Love writing!!!