Time Merges, Moving from Fifth to the Sixth Dimension

Then, now and next are linked by samenesses

Shirley Willett
5 min readApr 2, 2022


Three years ago, I wrote and published, ”Past, Present & Future: A Fashion Memoir of 70 Years…” . The organization of that book was based on different life experiences over 70 years time. A kind of completion came, this month, March 2022, when 30 of my top fashions of hundreds found a home at Massachusetts College of Art & Design by Sondra Grace, Chair of Fashion Design. They will be in a catalog for future fashion students to study, and possibly for an exhibit next year when MassArt celebrates 150 years.

Now I ask, “What’s Next?”

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I pondered about the future and reflected on my past, when I started writing in Medium.com. The pandemic did not allow much action in the present. However, in the New York Times, 3.26.2022, Gillian Friedman and Emma Goldberg wrote, “Covid-9 presented an opportunity to change course … a change to rethink their path. For each, it was a big risk on a new future.”

There was nothing more for me to achieve personally in 3D physical reality. Yet, intuitively, there was something far more for my mind and Higher Spirit. I wrote in Fifth Dimensions Perspectives, about working with dimensions in my engineering design grants from the National Science Foundation, and talked of dimensions in spirituality that have to do with evolving Higher States of Consciousness — and “a glimpse of the whole as a start toward the sixth dimension”.

For me, the most important realization is when briefly experiencing the sixth dimension, I feel not in the world. Rather, I am looking down at the whole and want to understand the whole. The 5D perspectives of 3D events and 4D time begin merging into a wholistic 6D vision. My thoughts link by samenesses, whether past or present events or future ideas. P.D. Ouspensky, In Search of the Miraculous, writes: “The sixth dimension is the line of the actualization of all possibilities.” For me, it is not physical possibilities, but possibilities of mind and thought-forms.

I was born into (chose) a family of a great ability to visualize structural concepts in the mind to build new possibilities.My father could visualize patterns and layouts in sheet metal kitchen equipment — only going to the 8th grade. My oldest brother, Gordon, could picture complete air conditioning in a building with nothing more than vocational school. My brother, Donald, became a quality assurance engineer, over other software engineers, without college. My youngest brother, Dick, with only a trade school education, built a two-family Swiss Chalet from plans just in his head. I became a master of fashion design and engineering with my ability to create styles and design, engineer, construct, and manufacture them in my mind — and easily repeat the mental manifestation in physical reality.

Today, I realize that ability “to manifest and build in the mind” is an attribute of the Sixth Dimension. I created some principles for students and protégés to do this inner visualization. They could do this (often unknowingly) because deep in most human unconscious there was remembrance of this 6D attribute — and we do experience this mental manifestation in the Afterlife.

In 5D, perspectives are seen and collected in memory by differences from one another. In 6D, we discover samenesses in those perspectives, in memories and thought — and they merge together. In moving from lower to higher dimensions we begin to record only memories that are important to each individual’s life plan. As we begin to resolve a life plan’s problems through learning, we connect to that same problem in past lives. In other words we link memories by sameness, whether over time, lifetimes, words, concepts, etc.

Connecting by sameness has been with me most of my life, but not expressed outwardly until after my mother’s death in 1963. I was mentally hospitalized and given ECT shock treatments — apparently from whatever I was expressing. I do remember the rest of the 1960s and early 1970s that I would see something on TV, a billboard, newspaper, etc. and it would connect with a same thing in my mind or memory. Excitedly I would express out loud that the TV, billboard was talking to me. Of course I had no experience or knowledge, at that time, to call it anything else — but it does show that sometimes a behavior is called mentally ill, when it is the lack of understanding in people, society, and therapists. It is the reason I called much mental illness, social illness.

Time differences and uniqueness disappear as history repeats itself. It is the way I styled fashion clothing: I see things, collect images in my mind, or respond with creating a similar idea and draw it, and was considered a great creative. Most of the time I called it inspiration, but I was never against outright copying, because the execution if an idea is more important than the idea.

There is another consideration when an event in the present links with similar events in history. The terrible events happening today, like Russia’s dictator over the Ukraine links with Trump as a dictator, Hitler as a dictator, Caesar as a dictator, etc. There are many more examples of present events with sameness in history. I am finding myself with less feeling of concern for those suffering, and more that Humanity as a whole hasn’t learned very much. As the Dalai Lama has pointed out, “Life is suffering” — especially when we are helpless to change things. I live by, “Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.”

However, I am fortunate to love life, and enjoy moving around my perceptions from one dimension to another — that is 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D.

A fun example of samenesses merging



Shirley Willett

Book: “Past, Present, Future: Fashion Memoir, 70 Years, Design, Engineering, Education, Manufacturing & Technology” shirley@pastpresentfuturebook.com