To be, or not to be?

Some Reflections on Life’s Decisions.

Dr John Frederick Rose


My 15 Princess Silver Gum Trees, Growing Strong, Decision time for repotting. Picture by John Rose.

“To be, or not to be
opening phrase of
speech by Prince Hamlet from
William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet
Act 3, Scene 1,
This profound opening line
one of most widely known and
quoted lines in
modern English literature.

Star Trek’s sixth film (1991)
named after
“Undiscovered Country” line
from Hamlet’s speech,
However Klingon
interpretation refers to
future and not death.

I’m a practicing stoic,
Taking full responsibility for
my actions and decisions and
“To be or not to be?” sums up
my approach to life,

“To be or not to be?”

Often in life
encounter decision
makers who make
one sided often
biased decisions,
Once in business
Realised there was
deeper dimension to
simple questions.



Dr John Frederick Rose

Love poetry, forests and my garden. Managing health by diet and exercise. Interested in ideation, social and technology interactions.