To Bloom or Fade, Your Choice, Your Life

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Be they organizational or interpersonal, a common trait always play out repeatedly in all successful groups. What is this singular attribute that makes for success in all relationships? How can individuals, non-profit or for-profit organizations promote and enhance their staying power with this distinguishing quality?

Case 1

Being former employees of the same company was our common denominator. At the height o the COVID-19 pandemic, there arose the need for us to all chip in to help a former colleague who has fallen on bad times. Starting from four figure values (equivalent of less than $15) the funds began to roll in. We gradually built momentum and one of our members even contributed seven figure donations (over $2,000). Remember, these are COVID-19 hard times.

Together and in various degrees of success, members of other groups to which I belong has repeated this feat. In all cases, the leaders and members were open to one another of their intentions. In all of these cases, the moneys that came in were accounted for and all the records were opened for every member to see - via WhatsApp.

Case 2

In another instance, a non-member of our Alma Mater based in the United States seeing the…

