To Succeed, Anticipate Failure

You will not regret.

Tanvi Shinde, PhD
Curated Newsletters


We all want success in anything and everything we do. No one wants to fail. Failure happens, without us wanting it to happen. But failure has the power to make you successful if you use it to your advantage.

Okay, let me ask you a question: would you take a chance to attempt driving a car with broken headlights at night? I guess not. And that's because you anticipate the danger and the risk involved in taking such an action. Foreseeing or predicting the risk makes it useful for you to make appropriate decisions.

We are trained (consciously and unconsciously) to anticipate danger from risky situations to avoid accidents — not touching boiling water, checking on both sides of the street before crossing, not fooling around with sharp objects etc. You see, it can help us avert danger, or at least reduce its impact.

So why are we never trained to anticipate failure and actually succeed? Perhaps this is because failure is often associated with negative emotions — sadness, pain, annoyance, fear, shame, hopelessness. But if we train ourselves to examine and scan failures effectively, it can be a key to our success.

Anticipating failure is a great tool we can use to plot a better course and refine our strategy. Usually with some tweaks to our game plan, we can



Tanvi Shinde, PhD
Curated Newsletters

. Biomedical Researcher interested in inflammation and microbiome for gut health and beyond . Published Academic author . Gut Health Evangelist . Mom . Reader .