Trump’s Georgia Call Highlights How He Gets Away With Abusing His Power

Everybody talks about it, and nothing happens

Steve QJ
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Samantha Sophia on Unsplash

One of the most memorable characters from my school was a boy named Shaun Jones. The boy was a cheating savant. Whenever we had a big exam, he’d manage to get a copy of the questions ahead of time. He paid the smartest kids from the year above us to write essays for him. He invented elaborate methods to sneak cheat sheets into exam halls. The teachers suspected he was up to no good, but they couldn’t catch him.

Even worse, Shaun had the kind of parents who wouldn’t hear a word against him. He was a good actor, he’d never been in any serious trouble, he knew how to turn on the charm when he needed to. As long as his grades stayed up (which they did, of course), his parents didn’t seem too interested in how he was getting them.

So one day, our teacher decided to make a point. She gave us a test. No warning. No time to prepare. No way to get hold of the answers. She wrote the questions herself, all based on stuff we’d covered over the past month. Anybody who had been paying attention would pass it easily. Shaun got the lowest score in the class. When she gave him back his paper, she paused by his desk.



Steve QJ
Curated Newsletters

Race. Politics. Culture. Sometimes other things. Almost always polite. Find more at