Unstoppable Force

David Pahor
2 min readNov 7, 2023

Rules exist to prevent the force from encountering the object.

The Unmovable Gardens.
Image by © David Pahor +AI

“You understand your actions were deviant?”

The Administrator’s countenance is grim.

After our class had finished in the granite rotunda, it was in the Gardens of Resoulment that I came face to face with her. Of course, no one was supposed to know anyone from before, or at least that was the theory. The eyes gave her away, golden specks tumbling in bottomless emerald.

Unbidden, I remembered somebody known as Achilles who had eyes like that. That was my first transgression, which I later admitted readily. And when she spoke, I called out her name, touching her cheek, which was my second misdeed. Naturally, I was swiftly subdued and taken straight to the head honcho.

The Administrator’s long, alert ears twitch. I always wonder if the action is involuntary or whether he is using his physical attributes to non-verbally divulge higher truths, which I shall always be too lowly to comprehend.

“You are a valuable asset to our community, yet …
Do you realise what happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object?”

“What do you mean, Anpu?” I blurt out.

The god in the micro-textured Armani suit sighs, his jackal pupils dilating.

“I mean when Love resurfaces in a heartless place.”

This text was first published on X (Twitter) and is © 2023 by David Pahor. No part of my stories should be used to train AI technology to generate text, imitating my writing style.

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(The rest of David’s tales on Medium)



David Pahor

Physicist turned programmer, now a writer. Writing should be truthful but never easy. When it becomes effortless, you have stopped caring. https://bit.ly/kekur0