Unusual Experience of Life

Dr. Preeti Singh
Curated Newsletters
5 min readNov 20, 2020


Valuable lessons learned

The Beggar Woman: Photo by Egor Myznik on Unsplash

The unusual experience

One morning, I was on my way to my office when at the traffic light, I got a red light and I had to stop.

At the stoplight, there were a lot of beggars. I was surprised to see beggars of all ages. Little children asking for alms, women with kids in their arms, senior citizens both male and female in a pitiable condition.

I looked around and one particular beggar woman attracted my attention. She was dressed in black and the clothes looked very worn out. She was covered from head to toe and was also wearing gloves. In her hand, she was carrying a stick.

This beggar did not look old but she had a bit of a strange walk, stepping quite slowly and asking for alms. She came up to my car and spread her hand before me.

I usually gave Rs.10 in Indian money and to senior citizens and people who looked as they could not work for their daily bread.

This beggar did not look so old despite the stick and accelerated walk but something in her made me feel that I should give her a little more. So I took out Rs20 and gave it to her. She was very thankful. She thanked me several times.

I reached my office and busy at work, I forgot about the incident. Two days later, I again saw her. She was…



Dr. Preeti Singh
Curated Newsletters

Doctorate in Finance, Professor, Author, I write about Life’s experiences, edutech. 9xTop writer.