Vanilla Pods Ripening.

Here Goes, Starting Vanilla Ripening Process.

Dr John Frederick Rose


Pods have been dipped in 150 degree F water and now kept warm. Picture by John Rose.

Vanilla vine
ripening last
season’s pods,
Checking each day,
Found two
naughty pods
hiding today,
Obviously hopeless
rank amateur
vanilla looker-after’er,
Brimming over
with enthusiasm!

Dipped two pods
150 degree water,
Starts enzyme action,
Now keeping warm
under LED lights,
While organising
lizard’s old
heating mat for
pod warmer in
finest Aussie
scrounger tradition!

Middle son and I
enjoying fresh
rich black coffee,
Pontificating over
vanilla recipes,
Crème brûlée
gained favour
on third cup,
Son insists
he does cooking
given my
previous effort,
Some people
never forget.



Dr John Frederick Rose

Love poetry, forests and my garden. Managing health by diet and exercise. Interested in ideation, social and technology interactions.