Want to Stop Climate Change? Get a New Job!

The world needs your abilities

Anthony Signorelli
Curated Newsletters


Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash

The more I read about climate change, the more I read about solutions that will not and cannot work. Some of the favorites include degrowth, carbon taxes, reduced consumption, veganism, cessation of burning stuff, transition, simplicity, population reduction, and more. Typically, they sound like this: “We need to…” fill in the blank… end our gluttonous ways, stop eating meat, tax carbon, get over the consumerist mentality.

I’m sorry, but it is time to call bullshit.

The problem with all of them is that they require people to choose against their desires and they require leaders to rise above the system to make changes that are good for the planet. When was the last time you saw a political leader do that? And when was the last time you saw people choose against their perception of what is good for them?

Let’s get real. All these voices are selecting a philosophy and solution that works for them and then insisting everyone else should be like them. Advocating veganism as a solution? Good chance you are a vegan and you like it. Advocating population reduction? You probably chose not to have kids. Promoting degrowth? Good chance that, unlike most others, you are set up to thrive in a degrowing economy.

