Want to Succeed Faster? Shoot First and Ask Questions Later

Fortune favours the bold

Mighty Knowledge
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Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat

“Fortune favours the bold”

— Latin Proverb

Too many people live their lives soft and safe.

They’re timid, humble, and hesitating. They follow all the rules and pre-set plans. They like to be conservative and colour inside the lines.

Yet such a way of living has never and will never lead to an amazing life. Playing it safe holds you back from taking the big risks that ultimately lead to the big rewards. The best excitement, memories, and achievements all come from a life lived with boldness.

If you want to have an amazing life, one filled with great success and memories, then you must live with a strong sense of courage and action-taking. There is a great motto that you can use as a guide for living such a life:

Shoot first and ask questions later

Why shoot first

Shoot first and ask questions later is all about focusing on bold action-taking. Without hesitation you “shoot” — you take action without being scared. When you take that action, you maintain a strong resolve. You don’t slow down to think about…

