Want to Write Articles That Get Published?

Unlock the Editor’s Secrets for ILLUMINATION

Olivia Reed
5 min readJun 14, 2024


Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

Remember that first time your writing got published? It felt like a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day, didn’t it? That’s how I felt when my article about honeybee communication was chosen to be featured on ILLUMINATION’s website. It was a huge validation, a confirmation that my words held meaning and value.

I’m passionate about sharing this platform with other writers because it played a significant role in my own writing journey. Today, I’m going to reveal some secrets I’ve learned along the way — strategies that helped me get published and connect with an audience. So, get ready, grab your favorite drink, and let’s dive into the world of ILLUMINATION!

Headline Hacks: Catching Readers with a Click!

We’ve all been there. You spend hours, maybe even days, crafting the perfect article, only to see it disappear into the vast digital landscape.

It’s a writer’s worst nightmare, isn’t it? For me, everything changed when I discovered the power of a good headline. I realized a catchy title is like a secret weapon, grabbing attention and enticing readers to click. One of my most popular articles, “The Bee Whisperer’s Guide to Productivity,” started with a simple yet powerful headline. It was all about sparking intrigue and making readers want to explore further. So, how do you create those captivating headlines that draw readers in? One trick I learned is to use numbers, like “10 Ways to…” or “3 Tips for…,” which are incredibly effective at attracting attention. Another gem is to ask a question, “Are You Ready to…” or “What Does Your Productivity Say About You?” These types of headlines pique curiosity and draw readers in. Finally, I always try to add a touch of personality to my writing, and that includes my headlines. I love to use playful language, a dash of humor, and even a hint of my own beekeeping passion to make them truly my own.

Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

Structured for Success!

Let’s talk structure, the foundation of any great article. It’s the difference between a wobbly tower of blocks and a sturdy skyscraper, and it’s the reason my article “Balancing Bees & Babies: Finding Time for It All” was published. I knew I had nailed the structure because it was clear, easy to follow, and kept readers engaged.

A well-organized article is like a roadmap, guiding readers through your thoughts and ideas, keeping them from getting lost. One of my favorite tricks for achieving this is using subheadings. They act as signposts, breaking up the text and making it more digestible. Don’t shy away from bullet points either. Those can be lifesavers, highlighting key takeaways and making your ideas stand out. The structure of my writing on “Honeybee Communication” greatly benefited from using them to present the essential points. Remember, structure isn’t just about how your article looks, it’s about making it engaging, making it sing. Get the structure right and you’ll be well on your way to writing articles that resonate with your readers.

Storytelling Secrets: Weaving a Tapestry of Connection

The email from a reader about my article, “The Day My Bees Saved My Sanity,” still sticks with me. It wasn’t just appreciation for the writing, but a deeply personal connection. She told me how my story about finding peace through beekeeping resonated with her own battle against anxiety. That moment solidified my belief in the power of storytelling, not just to share information, but to create genuine emotional connections with readers.

It’s like adding a touch of magic to your writing, drawing readers in, making them feel like they’re part of the journey, not just observers on the sidelines. I often draw on my own experiences — chasing a runaway toddler, struggling with time management — to make my writing relatable. It’s all about finding ways to connect on a human level. For instance, you could sprinkle in stories about your family, like my daughter Sharon’s fascination with clay sculpting, which often inspires my own writing process. Or, if you’re passionate about flying, like I am, you could share an anecdote about your first solo flight, making the connection between aviation and writing clear. Adding those personal touches gives your writing heart and soul, making it truly stand out.

Photo by Studio Media on Unsplash

Spread the Buzz!

You’ve written a fantastic article. Now, let the world read it! Sharing your writing is a bit like a bee flitting from flower to flower, spreading the knowledge of your words.

My article, “The Bee Whisperer’s Guide to Productivity,” went viral. It wasn’t by chance! I used social media to share it with my network, responding to comments and starting interesting discussions. I even contacted relevant publications, like a local lifestyle magazine, which featured my piece. It’s truly astonishing what a few well-placed links and thoughtful interactions can accomplish. The secret is to be genuine and authentic, demonstrating your love for writing and connecting with others who share your passion. Every share, comment, and interaction helps your work reach more people. So, post on social media, engage with your readers, and let the buzz about your writing spread widely!

The Buzz is Real!

There you have it! The secrets I’ve learned to help my writing shine on ILLUMINATION. Strong headlines grab attention, a clear structure makes things easy to follow, compelling stories keep readers engaged, and promotion that pops gets your work noticed.

These strategies are not just for ILLUMINATION, they’re essential for success on any writing platform! Remember, your words have immense power — you can create something truly special. I’m thrilled for you to start your writing adventure! Follow me for more tips and tricks, I’m always happy to share what I’ve learned. Let’s craft writing that captures hearts and minds, and make your words soar!

I suggest writers should read the submission guidelines of each publication as they are different. I link the recent guidelines of ILLUMINATION publications as an example. You can find all of them using this shortcut.



Olivia Reed

Hi! I'm Olivia :). I live in Miami with Austin, my wobbly-chair carpenter husband, and our kids, Sharon and Katherine. Join our fun productivity journey!