Way Too Many Writers Make It Too Easy for Readers to Click Out of Their Articles

Because they ignore these simple truths

Boateng Sekyere
Curated Newsletters


A man with a CRT desktop and a keyboard, lying on an overgrown lawn
Photo by Daoud Abismail on Unsplash

No force, no power, no human can rend asunder the bond between writer and reader. That’s what I’ve seen when I wore the cloak of a writer and played the role of a reader.

But sometimes, as a writer, even after you sprinkle the right amount of spice into your article— enough to whet their appetites and water their mouths — you realize only a few of them want a bite. Sorry, but it happens to every writer.

You’ve done all you knew to do, but the response breaks your heart and threatens to force you to throw your writing ambitions into the Pacific ocean.

The readers come around, sniff at your piece, but take off the next second. You wonder what could be pushing them away because you know you’re not a terrible writer, nor is your work full of 12th Century advice no one could use today.

Your readers probably want you to note these points in your next article.

They want you to help them take their first steps, not your thirty-first step

Congrats on planting another colorful feather in your cap, but your readers want to know how you plucked your…



Boateng Sekyere
Curated Newsletters

Writer | Photographer in Accra. Grab my free guide on how to write more engaging articles here: https://bit.ly/writ-guide. Say hi at boatengwrites@outlook.com