We had OUR 21ST CLASS today!

Teaching fitness to adolescent kids has taught me a lot about resistance and perseverance

Melissa Raise
Curated Newsletters


A miraculous and unexpected thing happened in our 21st class today…

Photo by author

Two of the 12-year-old students CHOSE to complete more rounds than were required in the workout. So instead of completing 3 to 5 rounds, they completed 6, and 7.

It seemed fitting that my pep talk today was based on the theme of “the frontier”. Let me explain…

Whether it’s my own workout or a class I’m teaching others, there’s often a moment that feels uncomfortable, impossible, or even terrible.

Thoughts come up that make you think you cannot accomplish the exercise or class. Thoughts come up that tell you you’re not strong enough. Thoughts come up that tell you you’re just not the kind of person who can do this exercise.

This is what I call “The Frontier”.

The Frontier is the edge of what you think is possible for yourself. It’s where your understanding of your own capabilities meets dead space. It’s the unknown. It’s also the place where many people stop, turn around, and go back to what’s familiar. It’s where people give up because they simply cannot imagine how to fill the dead space beyond The…



Melissa Raise
Curated Newsletters

Owner of Raise the Bar Wellness. Wellness Coach, CPT, LMT. Exploring a sober mom's journey from dysfunction...to wellness. Instagram @raisethebarwellness