What Do Your ‘Evergreen Quotes’ Say About You?

Some quotes motivate you. Others reveal you.

Ria Tagulinao
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

I’m a sucker for inspirational mojo. And if you’re anything like me, you probably save an extensive list of quotes from, well, everywhere. Books, articles, professors, speeches, movies, friends, neighbors, you name it — This bona fide quote head’s got it.

But here’s the thing. Even as I’ve stockpiled lines about almost every possible life theme, I realized that there are only five quotes that have done some permanent damage in my life (in a good way, of course).

Doesn’t it make you wonder why some quotes stay with you more than others?

The Evergreen Quotes

Every day, we come across new, striking quotes. Even when you don’t, all it takes is a 5-second Google search and the internet’s got you swimming in a sea of motivation and existentialism. Whether it be an anonymous Tumblr source or Stoic philosophy, we’d gladly consume it. We highlight it. Save, share, and curate it. Copy-paste on Canva and you’ve got yourself an aesthetic wallpaper reminding you to chase your dreams and find life’s meaning.

There are lines that strike you for their beauty. Others for their hard-hitting motivation.



Ria Tagulinao
Curated Newsletters

Fun-sized Filipina Writer | To stay up-to-date with my work, here's my Sunday newsletter: http://riatagulinao.substack.com