What I Regret I Didn’t Do When I Went To University

One thing is that I didn’t graduate

Vuyo Ngcakani
Curated Newsletters
4 min readJun 10, 2021


Photo by Ken Theimer on Unsplash

I went to university for four years. It was the most fun I had had up to that point.

That was the problem. It was all play and no work.

At frosh week, which was a week for freshmen to acclimatize themselves to university life, the chancellor gave a speech in which he stated that there were some of us who would not graduate.

I purposed that I would not be one of them.

My family had immigrated to Canada from Kenya with the very purpose of ensuring that we had a good higher education. At that time, in 1985, being landed immigrants and with my parents still studying or engaged in minimum wage work, I was able to get my school fees fully paid by government grants.

Who wanted to disappoint their parents who left good jobs in Kenya and traveled thousands of kilometres to ensure that their five children could get the education they needed. I didn’t.

But I did.


Let me answer that question by telling you about what I regret I didn’t do when I went to university.

1. I majored in something I didn’t really want to.



Vuyo Ngcakani
Curated Newsletters

writer, husband for 28 years, father of 3, grandfather of 2. I write about fatherhood, parenting, Christianity, & other topics. https://vuyongcakani.com