What if This Day Be Your Last?

A Reflection on Mortality

Dr Michael Heng
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Johnson Wang on Unsplash

A frightening thought woke me in the middle of last night!

Something happened;

I died before I return and

Could not see you again, myBeloved!

Have I said all I wanted to say to you?

Did I tell you that I love you more than life itself?

Would you miss me if I die?

So many questions ….

With no time left to say them all.

myPeony, you have taken my heart and all that my love offers,

My embraces and kisses, gifts and more.

It is honourable and pleasing to God to love again. There is no shame or guilt being loved and to love one who loves you as much as I do. The past belongs to a different season in another era. Let not the past comes between us … we can build our own new memories and a fresh new future together. The choice is ours.

And there is no time left, myLove.

Each time I am on God’s mission, I embark on a journey knowing that I may not return. That God may require me to sacrifice myself, my life, during His mission work. I recalled East Timor in June 2006, I joined my missionaries to bring rice, cooking oil and food…



Dr Michael Heng
Curated Newsletters

Top 50 Global Thought Leader and Influencer on CSR, Explorer, Enabler. Top Writer in Poetry. Drives ventures and enterprises. ILLUMINATION Editor and Writer.