What Is Your Smile Ratio?

You are more effective when you are enjoying your life

Randy Wolken
Curated Newsletters


Photo by visuals on Unsplash

When you are wearing a mask or on a Zoom call, it may feel like smiling is optional.

If you fail to smile, you miss out, and so do those you interact with.

I have noticed that people are smiling less. This seems to be affecting people’s attitudes. This is not a good trend.

Smiling and laughter are some of the best medicines for our success. It has been proven to relax us and others.

It may not be as evident today with our new COVID-19 practices. However, it is still as vital.

Lesson to Learn

You can pick up your spirit, and that of others, by smiling and laughing more.

Look for appropriate ways to smile and laugh more — not less.

When you are relaxed, it shows in your actions and how you treat others.

Just because your mask covers your mouth, it does not mean a smile is not effective in lightening your load.

Besides, a goods smile or laugh shows on your face and in your mood well beyond the actual occurrence.



Randy Wolken
Curated Newsletters

I write to educate and inspire. President & CEO of MACNY - The Manufacturers Association with over 300 company members in New York State. Visit www.macny.org.