What Makes Me an Avid Reader

Introspection of an avid reader

Surekha Chandrasekhar
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Joy Deb:

Iam an avid reader and I have been pondering on this question for a long time.

I had this title ready in my mind for quite some time and I had made a rough draft. For some reason, I didn’t post the blog. While browsing the stories on Medium, I was pleasantly surprised to see the same title I had in mind written by Shanti C K

What Makes Me Read Your Story

I was once again inspired to share what I had in mind about this topic.

So, let me try to answer this nagging question…

What makes me read?

Reading has been like a ritual for me ever since I can remember.

Books always transported me from the mundane to the magical. I visited distant lands and experienced cultures and cuisines around the world through travel and food books.

I got inspiration, motivation, and guidance from self-help books. I reveled in the extraordinary lives of scientists, saints, artists, and authors through their memoirs.

There were digital nomads, inspiring me through their blogs, and there were poets with magical inks transporting me to realms of poetic ecstasy!

Not to forget the crush on thrillers and crime stories that feed my fear and give an instant dopamine rush …

And the humor stories, that make me roll on the floor!

Books are my best friends and will remain so forever!

You can check out a quick list of my favorite books at the end of this story. I love almost every book I pick up after careful selection.

Now, let me answer this ;

What makes me read your story?

Photo by Nicole Berro:

🌷I am a habitual reader,

To quench my reading thirst I browse Medium stories daily without fail. Also, my work as an Editor in ILLUMINATION makes me read a lot of stories. After committing sincerely to Medium this year, purchasing e-books and paperbacks reduced greatly. I still visit bookstores and buy paperbacks occasionally from Amazon.

👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼I made lots of friends here who engage with me regularly and I know about the topics they write about and their writing styles. That makes it easy for me to click a title and read it. When I engage with a writer friend, my heart fills with joy and positivity. Medium is a place of community bonding!

✍🏻I read to improve my writing skills as a blogger. I am a learner and learning new skills keeps me hooked to some stories. Reading gives me an in-depth knowledge of my favorite topics.

👨‍💼I read your Author bios and about-me stories to get acquainted with you!

💕You get my attention when I receive a tag or mention.

🏆We all love success! I read your success stories to keep me motivated in my writing journey

🤩Great titles and stunning photos, especially personal photos are very interesting … they always get my eyeballs!

I never skip Medium Staff stories they are always helpful in keeping me updated on Medium notifications and news.

What makes me skip your stories

AI stories without emotion.

Sports stories, I am not a great sports enthusiast.

Technology and gaming-related stories

How I made money on Medium stories,

extremely long blogs, unappealing formats, and spelling mistakes.

I have written a helpful story to create attention-grabbing blogs.

Here’s a list of some of my favorite books and masterpieces from my home library :)

The Ikigai Journey by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles (Self-help)

If Truth Be Told -A Monk’s Memoir by Om Swami ( Memoirs )

My Story by Kamala Das ( Autobiography)

Big Magic By Elizabeth Gilbert (Inspirational )

The Taste Of Country Cooking by Edna Lewis (Food )

Chakras -Wheels Of Life By Anodea Judith ( Yoga )

Whereabouts By Jumpa Lahiri ( Winner of the 200 Pulitzer Prize for fiction)

The Best of Ruskin Bond -Stories, poems, and Essays (all-time favorite)

Hope you loved this story! So, tell me, what makes you read in the comments :)


tagging some friends :) Consider yourself tagged 🏷️#️⃣❣️👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏼🐾 Also kindly le me know if you want to be removed from the tags :)

Dr Mehmet Yildiz Dr. Gabriella Korosi DR Rawson - The Possibilist Dr. Seema Patel (PhD) Prahalad Rajkumar Prasanna Srinath Subhasinghe Toni The Talker Yana Bostongirl Dr. Preeti Singh Fahaz Hameed Elin Melaas Mike Broadly Aiden (Illumination Gaming) Shanti C K Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

