What Out-of-Body Experiences Taught Me About Reality

Photo by Craig Adderley

I may be opening myself up to ridicule, argument, and derision for writing this article, but if this subject is not for you then you can just stop reading and move on. The purpose of this article is not to prove the reality of out-of-body experiences or to promote their practice, but rather to discuss what they have implied for me on my personal search for the essence of what I am….

What it is not and what it is…
While it has become popular to say, “I had an out-of-body (OBE) experience” to describe feelings of dissociation linked to trauma, confusion, great excitement, cognitive dysfunction, temporary insanity or confusion, or even surreal situations that befuddle the mind, such experiences have led to a misuse of the term. An out-of-body experience is not a feeling or a malaise, it is an immersive occurrence that is undeniably real to the experiencer.

And off I went…
My first out-of-body experiences began around age six, more than sixty years ago. Having had at least a thousand or more OBEs, it is my own observation that they take place when the attention becomes placed external to — away from — the physical body. When…



Vic Shayne

NY Times bestselling author writing about reality beyond thought, consciousness, and the self to uncover what is fundamental. https://shorturl.at/mrAS6