What Thomas Sowell Said About European Immigrants Is the Most Racist Thing I’ve Read Ever

People loved it. And it bizarrely went viral.

Tim Denning
Curated Newsletters
4 min readNov 6, 2023


Image Credit-Midjourney (European Woman)

“Europe is belatedly discovering how unbelievably stupid it was to import millions of people from cultures that despise Western values and which often promote hatred toward the people who have let them in.”

That’s what Tommy Boy said.

It shook me to my core. It’s a quote that has surfaced again and gone viral as a result of the current Middle-East War.

You know what this type of commentary does? It forces humans to turn on each other. It turns the world into this stupid skin color game that ultimately leads to one horrible place: War.

Yep, the more these stupid remarks from influential people are made, the more wars we will have to fight over race. Nobody wins from race wars. Innocent lives are lost and families are ripped apart.

I wish these influential people knew the power of their words, and understood that words can kill.

Trying to define race is the stupidest sport in the world



Tim Denning
Curated Newsletters

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