When Love Calls, and Keeps Calling

Curated Newsletters
7 min readFeb 7, 2023


In a world where relationships are complicated, love is still love


Valentine’s day seems more significant each year into my 31-year marriage. My husband and I are both in our 60s and realize we have more years behind us than we have ahead. I’ve married to him more years than I was single. We cling tightly to our love and each other.

Still, we spend a lot of time apart due to our careers. This Valentine’s Day, he will drop me off for an early morning flight for another month-long separation. Thankfully, a couple of years ago, we found our favorite Valentine’s movie that celebrates the complexity of our love.

My monthly visit to see my husband filled my heart with nostalgia as we watched the Movie “The Photograph” on Valentine’s Day in 2020. We have been in a “living apart together” (LAT) relationship on and off for the past five years. Ironically, living apart is also how our relationship began more than thirty years ago.

The Photograph movie illustrates the pangs of love in parallel relationships crossing two generations. The beautiful resolve reminds me of the power of love. It also happened to be a fair representation of my relationship with my husband. I’ll try to explain without spoiling the movie.

Like the movie, my husband and I had dated only briefly before he announced that…



Curated Newsletters

Empowerment Psychologist, writing to change the world one story at a time. Author/Poet/Public Speaker. Learn more at http://Rosennabakari.com