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When My Sisters Preach Truth

I love to share it.

Julia E Hubbel
6 min readNov 22, 2020


One of the best parts about writing for Medium is what people comment. When they do, you learn a lot. Not only what they think about your writing, but also what it brings up for them. Not only that, but what they choose to share, sometimes with great and hilarious results, from their own lives.

I got a simply delightful comment the other day from Medium reader Brenda Young, who gave me permission to use this to share my sore belly muscles with other readers and writers. I’d written a piece that was a celebration of an extremely funny treatment of Tinder dating types by Elle Silver. Apparently, it hit fertile ground. That’s both sad and funny, and funny and sad.

Brenda, at 65, is two years younger than I am. Her experiences in the great wide world of dating after sixty seem to line up not only with mine, but also those of a few others whose words I’ve read on Medium and elsewhere.

In all fairness to the best of my fellow and much-respected male grey hairs whose lively motivation, athletic endeavors and personal dignity put them into categories all by themselves, this ain’t directed at you.



Julia E Hubbel

Stay tuned for some crossposting. Right now you can peruse my writing on Substack at More to come soon.