When the End of Life is Near

The Not-So-Subtle Ways the Universe Reminds Us

Susan Bostian


woman standing in ocean watching the sun set
Photo by Luke Dahlgren on Unsplash

This morning when I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, the lines on my face appeared deeper and more prominent. I felt a little disappointed to see my once smooth face looking more tired than it ever has before.

I’m seventy-two years old, so I suppose some wrinkles are to be expected. But, I’ve never smoked, I eat healthy food, and I exercise everyday. I admit that I felt a little betrayed by my aging skin.

I noticed the place above my eyebrow where the surgeon removed a growth that turned out not to be cancer but left a scar in its place. The surgery made my face unsymmetrical and some days it bothers me more than others.

I’m hardly aware of the other scars on my face from the car accident where I thought I had died. I was a passenger in a car driven by my boyfriend who had consumed too much alcohol. I remember the car leaving the road and crashing into some trees.

The next thing I knew I had a profound sense of being dead and waiting in a column of white light. The utter silence and peace and calm of that experience still lives in a part of my being. I knew that I had died and it was fine. Some time later I would awaken and realize that I was still alive, my friend was unconscious, and that I would need to go…

