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When You Have No Business Being a Coach

If your ego supersedes your responsibility to serve

Julia E Hubbel
Curated Newsletters
11 min readNov 8, 2020


This year has seen considerable growth in the personal coaching industry. Some reports state that there are some 53,000 folks in the business, which straddles a broad swath of topics ranging from wellness to leadership to life coaching.

All well and good. I’m a fan of good coaching, and I believe the industry has a role. I’ve used them frequently. Because of that I’ve also had some negative experiences with people who had no business in the industry. This year, as folks have been forced to stay at home, legions of people also decided that coaching was a great alternative to whatever they were doing before, and suddenly hung out the expert shingle.

Needing money, kindly, is not a good reason to decide to get into coaching.

Your ability to be a good coach begins with self-awareness. You begin by having done the deep work.

From the article:



Julia E Hubbel
Curated Newsletters

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