15# Grind’n’Hustle

Where Are You Now?

You wanna know about the journey or just want to know where we heading?

Ikada Mario
Curated Newsletters


Photo by joseph marrufo on Unsplash

I was on my way to see a prospect in Sydney. She has given me her address and the name of the company including the office telephone number. The appointment was set at 11.30 am. I left my office at 10.30 am.

Since I anticipated that, traffic may be heavy at that hour. I was in Sydney by 11.00 am. For the next 15 minutes, I was driving around and round. I seem to remember passing the same place twice.

I realized that I almost. I decided to call my prospect using my Android phone. Identifying herself, she asked, “Where are you?” I replied, “I am in Sydney but I can’t get to the address you gave me”.

“Tell me where are you now? I mean your current location!”

Looking around I described the usual landmarks in my sight, like the gas station, rows of shop lots, and on which road I am now. Acknowledging that she knows where I am now, she went ahead and described a route I could take to get to her office.

She reminded me to watch out for certain landmarks such as,

double storey houses with red roofs, 4-storey shop lots, make a ’3 o’clock’ turning at the first junction, then ’12 o’clock the next, etc., “

…all familiar words depicting directions and places.

Each time I sighted a landmark she described, it made my heart glow with relief. As I drove nearer to my goal, I became more comfortable. Parking a few shop-lots away from her office; I felt elation of a minor triumph!

Like most salesmen, we may have heard about the importance of setting goals. Almost every Internet Gurus or seminar speakers tell us and implore us how important it is to have goals in our life.

“Tell me where are you now? I mean your current location!”

Without them; a person has no sense of direction. Allocating a realistic time frame is critical, it instills urgency. For good measure, reasons and benefits for achieving those goals enrich life with meaning and purpose.

A plan of action reveals the process needed; but, all things do not happen without action. “Just do it” they echoed Nike’s slogan of success, and success is inevitable!

Well, recalling my Sydney stories has defied what the gurus of motivation say. I should have been successful, yet I am not. In fact, when I called that lady prospect and told her that I was lost, I felt like a

“Somehow, knowing what we want in life is essential; but knowing where we are is fatally crucial.”

Fckin idiot! Why?

Reflecting on those criteria of goal setting, I had a specific goal [to meet a lady prospect at her place in Sydney]; a realistic time frame was allocated [leaving one hour before my appointment], and I had a meaningful reason to see her, I had a plan of action and “just do it”.

Fulfilling all this, yet success did not materialized till; she asked me “Where are you now?!”

Could be this the problem when we did all we were told by the local and foreign success experts and speakers who had expounded, demanded, pleaded, and persuaded us to do?

Somehow, knowing what we want in life is essential; but knowing where we are; is fatally crucial.

Guys, we have got to establish our current position before we can venture elsewhere.

