Where did ChatGPT get its knowledge?

I asked Chat GPT about the sources it was trained with. Here are the answers

René Junge
Curated Newsletters


Photo by DeepMind on Unsplash

I was curious what datasets ChatGPT was fed during its training phase, so I asked. It turns out that asking this question just once is not enough. The more I asked, the more detailed the answers became.

Here comes the question session where I got ChatGPT to give me a deep insight into the sources of his knowledge.

Me: Can you give me ten examples of publicly available sources that feed your wealth of knowledge?

ChatGPT: I’d love to. Here are ten examples of publicly available sources from which my body of knowledge might draw:

1. Wikipedia: An online encyclopedia written and maintained by a large community of volunteers.

2. news portals: online platforms that publish news from around the world.

3. government and agency websites: Government and agency websites that publish information on a variety of topics.

4. scientific journals: Professional journals in which scientific articles are published.

5. books: printed works published on paper or in electronic form that summarize knowledge and information on various topics.



René Junge
Curated Newsletters

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles: http://bit.ly/ReneJunge