Music |Writing |Race

White Blues, Black Blues — Your Blues, My Blues

What Are the Blues, and Who Are They For?

Andrew Jazprose Hill
Curated Newsletters
6 min readSep 18, 2020


Photo by Artem Bryzgalov via Unsplash

Unless you’re a regular reader of the Altamont Enterprise in upstate New York, you’ve probably never heard of the poet and writer Dennis Sullivan.

Truth is, I wouldn’t know about him either if it weren’t for a friend, a former high school headmaster who was taught by Mr. Sullivan back in the day.

Every now and then, the headmaster sends me something literary he thinks I might enjoy. He’s known me long enough by now to be right most of the time.

This is especially true of Sullivan whose work I enjoy because it usually leads to an epiphany. It helps me understand something I did not understand before. Or at least shows me another way of looking at it.

Do White People Understand the Blues?

A few days ago, the headmaster sent me a Sullivan piece called, “White people don’t understand about the blues,” which begins by asking the reader which is greater — Andy Warhol’s Brillo Box or Pablo Picasso’s Guernica.

While I was still trying to justify my answer to that little teaser, Mr. Sullivan hit me with a similar riddle. Which song is better — Schubert’s “Ave Maria” or…



Andrew Jazprose Hill
Curated Newsletters

I write about Art, Culture, and Race through the mindful lens of memoir. You can also find me in The Jazprose Diaries and in The Fiction Fix on Substack.