Who The Hell Cares If It’s A Genocide?

Words are not violence, violence is violence.

Steve QJ


Photo by Khaled Akacha

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved the subtlety of words.

I love that “boring” means something slightly different to “tedious.” I love that a smile is similar to, but not the same as, a grin. I love that the fact that “flatulence” and “grandiloquence” are synonyms will bring a grin to all but the most tedious of faces.

Words don’t just communicate ideas. They transmit, for better or worse, a piece of who we are. That’s why so many politicians and grifters use them as distractions.

Would you like to talk about the troubling return of race essentialism and racial segregation in schools? Fine. But first, let’s have a long, pointless debate about what the words “Critical Race Theory” mean.

Were you hoping to have an honest, nuanced conversation about some aspect of trans inclusion? Sure thing. But before we do, let’s go on a meandering, disingenuous search for a definition of the word “woman.”

Do you think it’s worth discussing whether a sitting (or perhaps standing) president lied about getting a blowjob in the Oval Office? How can we begin before we’ve defined “sexual relations”, “that woman” and, of course, “is.”



Steve QJ

Race. Politics. Culture. Sometimes other things. Almost always polite. Find more at https://steveqj.substack.com