Racism & White Supremacy

Why Ban “Divisive” Teachings While Protecting Divisive Confederate Monuments?

Promoting myths of white innocence and white supremacy

Guy Nave
9 min readNov 29, 2023


Austin — Texas State Capitol: Confederate Monument | via Flickr

Purpose of the Story

In a previous article, I compared recent attempts by conservative legislatures to pass laws prohibiting the teaching of American history that emphasizes the systemic oppression of Black people by white people to attempts by American anti-abolitionists to limit the dissemination of abolitionist teachings that emphasized and rejected the systemic oppression of enslaved Black people by white America.

A respondent, Blanc2, replied by writing, “I find so much irony in the fact that some of the most outspoken critics of falsely labeled “CRT” are the same people who oppose the removal of Confederate monuments from public places.”

As an African-American university professor, I found the response intriguing. I decided, therefore, to investigate to see if states banning so-called “CRT” (Critical Race Theory) also protect Confederate monuments. My findings are quite revealing.

CRT bans and defense of Confederate monuments



Guy Nave

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