Why Do People Love Saying ‘I Am So Busy.’?

This is what they really mean.

Tina Viju
Curated Newsletters
4 min readDec 9, 2020


Photo by mauro mora on Unsplash

I waited for 3 weeks to call my friend, just to see if she would call me. I was the one religiously calling her every week. Each time I called, she would launch into her usual “I am so busy, I have no time.” rant and on she would go about how she didn’t have a spare minute in the day.

So what do you think I am doing here? Just twiddling my thumbs?

It would be easy to just conclude that my friend wasn’t a good friend. But the truth is far from it. She’s been a solid friend for over half my life, one whom I can turn to and count on. If not, I would have stopped calling her long back.

So what’s up with the “ I am so busy.” line? Why do people say it?

They really are busy.

We should give people the benefit of doubt. Life is a rat race after all. They might be really busy. I remember the days when my 3 kids were under the age of 6. I was lucky if I got a bathroom break. Then there were the 3 years when I was working, going to college, and balancing 3 kids at the same time.

If I told you I was busy at those 2 points in my life, it was because I really was.

Their productivity is…



Tina Viju
Curated Newsletters

Cancer geek . Lover of words & fried rice . Memory Keeper