Why Do People Think They Can Actually Fly Away from a Miserable Marriage?

Especially when I saw them stuff contempt into their carry-on.

Brian Abbey
Curated Newsletters


Image by Danilo Bueno from Pixabay

You can never step into the same airport twice. At its fundamental level, an airport is in constant flux with a different batch of travelers passing through every hour. This is why airports are fun places to people-watch, providing fascinating glimpses into a diverse mix of psyches.

  • How do we prepare to be jettisoned through the air while crammed into a metal tube?
  • What possessions do we deem important enough to carry with us?
  • Can we love someone at take-off and hate them by the time we land?

Most airports have terminals offering lounges, bars, and restaurants to while away the hours. For the traveler on a long layover, these purgatories are at first a welcome respite, a spot to stop and relax. But as the hours' trickle by, these oases can turn into torture chambers of indefinite waiting alongside fellow passengers.

Hell is not other people. Hell is other people in an airport.

It’s 2016 and I’m sitting in a café in FCO Rome, waiting on a connecting flight to Spain. I’m sipping a prosecco and reading a book when the couple walks in. They’ve been together for a long



Brian Abbey
Curated Newsletters

expat, ex-philosopher, ex-entrepreneur writing on society, relationships, & AI singularities. VICE, Salon, & misc humor sites @brianabbey brianabbeywriter.com