Why I Give Where I Give

Julia E Hubbel
Curated Newsletters
8 min readDec 2, 2020


Giving Tuesday felt like a massive imposition, but there’s a way to think about this.

I get it. The original idea around Giving Tuesday was a terrific one. Beginning in 2012, back in the days when my business was still in full force and I was making some money, the idea was appealing. Here’s the back story:

After the effects of this year, especially given that I no longer run that consultancy, things are a bit different. First, I am grounded by Covid, as are we all (okay, okay, some of us are). I can’t fly, that means I can’t work, and I can’t do my travel blogging. So, that income is dead. For now.

Medium in its questionable wisdom or lack thereof has managed to mangle not only my income but also that of many of the rest of us, most especially people who’ve been around long enough to have a substantial following and the income that comes of it. Now that the Follow button has become a sad joke, any income I might have hoped to make from my labors, well. Worse, the people I follow, I can’t find either, and their stuff no longer appears…



Julia E Hubbel
Curated Newsletters

Stay tuned for some crossposting. Right now you can peruse my writing on Substack at https://toooldforthis.substack.com/ More to come soon.