Why I Suck as a Software Engineer

And what I am Doing About It

Leo Guinan
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Danial RiCaRoS on Unsplash

I had a realization. I suck as a software engineer. I try hard and I love it, but I am not particularly skilled at it. My skill set just doesn’t quite line up.

I am skilled at learning though, and I used this to offset me sucking at it. That’s how I have lasted as one for a decade, making slow progress up various corporate ladders.

I have been doing a lot of introspection lately.

It has become necessary for me to reflect on things in my life and determine where the true value lies. For me, it is not in software engineering. Because that is not where my passion is. I thought it was. But not quite.

I have often described the reason that I went into software engineering because I love to learn new things. Software engineering requires you to learn constantly as things are constantly evolving. That part of it was a perfect fit for me.

How did I figure out that I suck as a software engineer when I have been “successful” as one?

This was tough.

It is hard when you are successful (for some value of successful) to acknowledge your flaws. I have been fighting against rules in a system that doesn’t quite play to my strengths. I am…

