Why I think Biden’s First Act as President should be to Pardon Trump

It is the Ultimate Boss Move

Leo Guinan
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Felix Koutchinski on Unsplash

We have spent a long time in fear. Much too long. It is time to release our fear.

Punishment is Inefficient

We punish people for their mistakes. We are afraid of them repeating their mistakes. Punishment is not an efficient teacher though. It works, but other things work better. We know this because of science.

His Actions Were Not His Alone

Trump did what he did to make money. This makes sense. We have programmed people for decades to believe that money and success were equal. They are not, and truly happy people know this.

He is simply a symptom of a broken economy. He thought he could fix things. He took a shot. He missed. I am championing a society that forgives. It is only through mistakes that we can learn.

I liken him to a hacker that figures out a weak point in the system and exploits it. He did it for money because money buys freedom. I think he even views money the same way I do. Debt is stupid and shouldn’t be paid. Saving is stupid because you can always get more money.

The Missing Piece

