Why Is Everyone So Mean To Prince Harry?

What is wrong with the world?

Rebecca Stevens
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

It’s been almost a week since Prince Harry’s memoir, Spare, was released. Ever since its first chapters were leaked by the Guardian, I’ve been looking for one article, just one opinion piece that would be sympathetic or at least empathetic to Harry or to the couple’s plight. I have found nothing.

Both Harry and Meghan seem to be even more hated now than before. A recent poll in the UK indicated that Harry was at his lowest-ever levels in terms of popularity. Isn’t that odd? The chap bares his soul, speaks about incalculable loss, unending and poignant grief, and pain, and yet, he is being attacked, even bullied. I just don’t get it!

So, as I was saying, so far, all pieces I have read about Spare have been insensitive, rude, cynical, and highly critical of the prince. Some have openly mocked him.

The reaction toward Harry’s book is a reflection of the society that we currently live in — a society that bullies, kick opponents in the face when they are already on their knees, that pushes people under when they struggle to keep their heads above the water. It is a society where bullies and abusers thrive and are celebrated, if not championed.

It is a world, cruel and cold, brutal and unyielding. It is a world that pushes so many…



Rebecca Stevens
Curated Newsletters

I write about racism, but there are so many other things I would like to write about instead. Help me dismantle racism so that I can get to that.