
Why Shiva Lingam Have Earned the Title of God Stone

Awakening Kundalini

Jamie Golob
5 min readNov 11, 2020


Image compliments of the author Jamie Golob

Deep within the Narmada River in Westen India, one of India’s most holy of sites, lies a mystical treasure trove.

Within the Indian Hindu religion, shiva lingam are a sacred stone. Found exclusively at the bottom of the Narmada River, they are associated with the Hindu God Shiva. Within ancient Hindu tradition, it’s believed the Goddess Parvati hand-shaped a Shiva Lingam out of the sand, to represent both the divine male and female energies using it to worship Lord Shiva.

Shiva Lingam stones are a distinctive elongated egg shape thought to represent the cosmic egg of which all life has sprung. The name Lingam s translated from Sanskrit word linga meaning symbol.

Magical ingredients

Shiva lingam are considered to be crystals. The stewy bed of the Narmada river is said to be riddled with the microscopic debris of a crashed meteorite touching down over 14 million years ago. The entire river, not only the stones, is considered to have healing attributes. Many from around the world make a Pilgrimage to the river in hopes of benefiting from its powers.

Shiva Lingam stones are Cryptocrystalline Quartz combined with Iron Oxide deposits and a…



Jamie Golob

Writer, artist, creative, Reiki practitioner and author of the Crystal Manifesting Journal. Follow me at www.mystic-encounter.com