Why ‘Star Wars’ Still Matters

Some stories become a phenomenon (while others don’t)

Kyle Chastain


This year marks the 25th anniversary of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.

It returned to theaters to mark the occasion, raking in an estimated $14.5 million in a single weekend.

I was in middle school when the movie first premiered in 1999. It was the first time I ever saw people camping out at a theater to get ticket to a movie.

I didn’t understand it then, but Star Wars wasn’t just popular — it was an important part of many people’s lives.

But what is it that made Star Wars so special in the first place?

I wasn’t around in 1977 when the original film debuted. But from what I understand, it turned into quite the cultural event. Audiences loved the VFX and the sheer fun of the film. It was unlike anything ever seen on the big screen.

But why does the franchise continue to hold such a special place for so many? After all, lots of movies today have Stunning VFX. So it must be something else.

The real secret sauce of Star Wars comes down to its story, message, and the cultural moment.

No, George Lucas isn’t a brilliant writer. But he understands something many writers today don’t — how to connect with viewers…



Kyle Chastain

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