Why Tim Denning Writes like Sh*t and Is Rich

Hi, my name is Tim Denning

Tim Denning
4 min readMay 2, 2024


Image credit-PhotoAI.com (This is what AI says I’d look like if I was a model…lol…Check out that 6-pack!)

Many of you think I write like sh*t.

And few articles have been written about me with a similar title to this one above. So after more than a year, I’m coming out of the closet with a hunting knife to address this controversial topic.

Why is that Tim Denning loud mouth so rich when he writes like sh*t?

How to get rich off writing online

This will piss a lot of people off.

I didn’t get rich from writing online. Lol. I took the money I made online and from writing… and invested it.

My biggest income streams aren’t selling books, courses, masterminds, coaching, affiliate links, webinars, paid newsletters, etc. Nope.

My biggest income stream is the enormous ROI I get on my investment portfolio. I didn’t acquire this skill by being a banker. No.

I got the skill by being a loser and losing everything.

I got the skills by sitting in my piece of crap Holden (General Motors) Astra outside of a casino and reading money books every night for a few years. No joke. Writing by itself doesn’t make you rich.

  • Investing money to make more money makes you rich.



Tim Denning

Aussie Blogger with 1B+ views that made me 7-figures — Get my free email course: https://timdenning.com/1k-mb