My Thumb. Photo by Rich Sobel (author)

Why We’re All Whorls Apart From Each Other!

How our fingerprints are formed

Rich Sobel
11 min readFeb 17, 2023


When I was growing up, there came a time when I and all my young kid friends got interested in our fingerprints. This was long before DNA was being used to find criminals. Everyone knew that if you were going to commit a crime, you better wear gloves so you didn’t leave any fingerprints. I wasn’t planning on committing any crimes, but if I ever wanted to, that was SOP, standard operational protocol.

Don’t leave your fingerprints!

And we all played around with finding ways to make our fingerprints so we could see what they looked like on paper. It was a lot of fun! Messy, but fun!

Then there were the reprimands from your parents for getting fingerprints on the fancy glasses or on the windows or mirrors etc.

So leaving your fingerprints, even if it wasn’t a criminal act, was still not good!

Don’t leave fingerprints!

All right, I got the message. If you left your fingerprints, clean them up.

I was definitely a curious kid so I’m sure at some point I’m sure I would have asked my parents something like “what are all these funny lines on the tips of my fingers?”. “And how did I get them?” “Why do we have them?” “Do you have them?” “Are they the…



Rich Sobel
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