Why You Should Review Bad Products as an Affiliate Marketer

Get lots of FREE traffic you can convert to paying customers

Jude C.
6 min readAug 4, 2021


Photo by henry perks on Unsplash

Imagine you are desperate about making money online

And you’re presented with a mouth-watering opportunity like this

Make $1000 in 2 weeks if you invest $100 today!

it doesn’t stop there.

You go to the website

Scroll down the sales page and see lots and lots of testimonials

This investment opportunity seems like a deal from heaven for you.

and it’s perfect just for you.

You meet family and friends and take a loan.

You promise to pay back in 4 weeks with INTEREST

You’ve already started spending your profits in your head then you decide to do a little more research

You type in the company’s name on Google + “reviews”

and You’re shocked

The first review is by a blogger that shows you

  • People like you who have actually used this product and hated it! You see screen grabs, you see real people complaining bitterly

You click on the next link and even more “issues” from users of this godsent opportunity

  • This blogger is even more heartless with the review. Calling anyone who is “stupid” enough to fall for such a “scam” as “greedy and selfish”. “They deserve to have their money taken”.. and he has facts and proof of why the opportunity is the biggest scam since Ponzi Schemes became widespread

At this point, you’re sweating and already thanking God you’ve not paid a dime…

But still, You need to be sure that these two guys actually know what they are writing about

So you click the third link.

This blogger is more sympathetic.

He understands why you could have been fooled by such an offer and how you’re only ignorant(but it’s not your fault)

He shows you why the product doesn’t work, with proof just like the first two websites

Then he goes ahead to recommend a better alternative

Without making you look stupid because he started out just like you looking for opportunities and maybe got burnt just like you almost did.

You’d click the link on the offer — won’t you?

You might not even “research” his alternative but you’d try out what he is offering

Especially if it’s free(free trials works best here)

Jimmy Connors — I hate to lose more than I love to win.

As humans, we’re happy when we don’t lose

And when you help us not lose but give a better alternative — Now you’re godsent. We are open to liking and trusting you with our hard earned money

What This Means, If You sell Anything Online

If you sell anything online (especially as an affiliate) you have a lot of things going against you

  • If you are marketing a hot product, Every good marketer is marketing that same product
  • You would be competing for the same audience
  • Your business depends on TRAFFIC

And reviewing awful products in your niche is a way to get some of this traffic.

There are lots and lots and lots of crappy products claiming they do the same thing your product does and worse

People go ahead to pay for this product and complain bitterly about it.

Some “hot trending” products fall into this category

It does not matter the niche

Once there are good products helping people get results

there would always be imitators with mouth-watering claims

It’s even worse with marketers trying to outdo each other with claims they/products can’t back up

The target audience for scams like these are not people in the game

but newbies.. people who are still confused, people just starting out

This is why you should be sympathetic

I got burned as a newbie and I know that being desperate and not know what’s what can do to you

Your aim is to find trending new products in your niche that are “BAD”

Write a “review” of what the product does and where it falls short

Add lots of proofs.

You also have to end the review by giving your personal recommendation

Don’t tell me something is bad if you don’t have an alternative for me

Give People What They Want But Show Them What They Need

Here’s how reviewing bad products get you lots of traffic and how you can convert them into buying loyal fans

If you go on youtube or any social media platform looking for ways to make money online

You’d see that videos and pictures that get the highest amounts of views have one thing in common

They Grab attention with a HUGE promise of ease or some outrageous claim that seems… impossible

Headlines like

A. “Make $3000 doing these 2 things daily”

would get more clicks than headlines that say

B. “Make $3000 in 10 months working 12 hours a day”

These could be the same product or business opportunity

But which would you click?

The first one yes.. yes

Even though you know the 2nd one makes more “logical” sense

You’d be curious to know how they are doing it easily in headline A.


No one likes stress… this is what separates the great marketers from the good marketers

Marketing a product that works and would transform your client gets hard

Especially when you have to tell the whole truth

Take Medium Writing Courses for instance,

Very few Course Creators on their sales letter emphasize the amount of time and dedication you’d put into making the money on their headline

You can’t coast your way to earning $1000 if you’re not good at what you do

Even fewer course creators would tell you of their failure rates.

That doesn’t stop us from looking for easy

SO how do you tap into this as a marketer without telling a lie?

By using this yin yang psychological principle of

Give people what they want but show them what they need

No one does this better than YouTuber Roope kiuttu

Roope has built his youtube channel to 100k youtube subscribers and he does this by sharing videos showing

Quick and easy ways to make money online

Most of his videos start of introducing things you can do immediately to earn at least a few couples of bucks ( $10. $20) immediately — What people want

but the amounts are little and its time consuming

Then he shows you another opportunity,

How to build a sustainable way to make money online over a longer period of time — what people need

“Humans would rather have $50 now than $1000 in months”

Roope says

For example, A youtube video about earning $20/hr transcribing usually got more views than one promising to make you $1000 in 6 months of learning the trades to build a profitable online business.

So what Roope does is

Start the videos with easy opportunities like this to get people to start watching and then switch to the main opportunity

Not only does he show his audience what they want

He also shows them what they need.

When you review hot tending products with overhyped claims, You’d be getting lots of FREE traffic as people who see these products are already searching for a solution — Your solution

If you can show them why one opportunity is bad and help them make the right choice.

Especially if you go on to deliver on your promise, You’d have a steady stream of regular people patronizing you.

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Jude C.

Want to make more money sending emails people read and buy from? —Let's talk. Send a message to: Jude@judechiadika.com