Will You Stop Writing About Me Already?

And grab me a beer

Stuart Englander
Curated Newsletters


Photo courtesy of S. Englander

Ok, I couldn’t resist one last time.

I woke this morning to hear the news we have ALL been waiting for.

A result.

And, while certainly, it is not the result that everyone wants to hear, it is a result nevertheless. Despite the blusterings and desperate attempts to deny the inevitable, we can all finally take a second to sit back and savour the moment.

So, even though it is still technically late morning here in Central Canada, Guinness and I are going to enjoy a cool one in celebration.

Of course, we must recognize there is still a very long road ahead with painful obstacles, but the fact is, the democratic process has prevailed. Enjoy this for now though. We deserve a chance to relax.

In the coming days and weeks, the inflated Orange will test the patience of us all some more. But. I’m reminded of a particular phrase when I consider the behaviour of the petulant child that currently resides in The White House.

A coward dies a thousand times before his death — William Shakespeare

There can be no other way to describe a man who chooses to play golf rather than face the undeniable truth of his demise…



Stuart Englander
Curated Newsletters

If it comes to mind, I usually write about it. Lucky for you I don’t always publish it. Stuff I do post goes to your inbox from https://ungarprod.medium.com/me